
  • Asian Art
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Clars的这件炉钧釉弦纹尊造型端庄雅致,采用撇口、短颈、长弧腹、外撇高圈足的设计,整体高约19厘米。器身的口、颈、腹部分别装饰有三道弦纹,线条简洁而流畅,增添了器物的立体感和美学效果,体现了雍正时期瓷器典雅庄重的风格。 足内阴刻有“雍正年制”双行四字款,进一步彰显了其为宫廷御用器物的身份和精湛工艺。

清雍正 炉钧釉弦纹尊 《雍正年制》款。
清雍正 炉钧釉弦纹尊 《雍正年制》款。
摄影: Wyatt Beserra @ BESERRA PHOTO
估价: 50,000美元 – 70,000美元

这件重器的釉面呈现出红、蓝、紫三色交织的独特效果,其中尤以“高梁红”釉色最为珍贵。这种红中泛紫的釉色为雍正时期炉钧釉瓷器的特色,极其稀有,几乎在乾隆以后便不再见于烧制。清《南窑笔记》中曾记载:“炉钧一种,乃炉中所烧,颜色流淌中有红点者为佳,青点次之。” 此外,据《清宫造办处活计清档》记载,雍正十年,皇帝曾命为炉钧釉梅瓶配制紫檀木座,可见炉钧釉瓷器多为皇室赏玩或宫廷陈设之用,地位非凡。类似形制的雍正时期的器物现多为博物馆藏品,如北京故宫博物院收藏的清雍正窑变釉弦纹撇口瓶.

炉钧釉烧制工艺复杂,对温度和调釉要求极高,成品率极低,雍正时期的存世精品极为稀少。Clars 的这件炉钧釉弦纹尊,品相完好,造型和釉面呈现出雍正时期自然流动、古朴雅致的风格。相比乾隆时期华丽精致的审美,此器更具雍正的含蓄韵味,艺术与历史价值极高。



估价: 30,000美元 – 50,000美元
估价: 2,000美元 – 4,000美元

此次拍卖还将呈现其他多件珍贵的亚洲艺术作品,如民国瓷绘大家张志汤于1939年所做的洋彩山水人物大瓷板及民国青花大家王步的青花瓷瓶, 清代山水白玉雕,中国缂丝绣龙枕套。

王步(1898–1968) 中国青花瓷瓶。
王步(1898–1968) 中国青花瓷瓶。
估价: 3,000美元 – 5,000美元
估价: 10,000美元 – 15,000美元
张志汤 中国洋彩山水人物瓷板。
张志汤 中国洋彩山水人物瓷板。
估价: 6,000美元 – 9,000美元


Clockwise: An ‘A Grade’ jadeite and 14k gold choker necklace. Estimate: $7,000–$10,000; A pair of ‘A Grade’ jadeite and platinum earrings. Estimate: $20,000–$40,000; A Colombian emerald, diamond, seed pearl and 18k gold necklace. Estimate: $3,000–$5,000
天然翡翠及14K黄金颈链一条,估价: 7,000美元 – 10,000美元。 天然翡翠及钻石铂金耳环一对,估价: 20,000美元40,000美元。哥伦比亚祖母绿珍珠钻石及18K黄金项链一条。估价: 3,000美元5,000美元

我们期待12月20日与您在Clars Auctions的亚洲精品拍卖上相见。

Clars十二月拍卖可通过电话、缺席竞价以及Live.Clars.com、Liveauctioneers.com和Invaluable.com在线实时竞价。Clars拍卖画廊位于5644 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, CA 94609(加利福尼亚州奥克兰市),是美国西部最大的全方位服务拍卖画廊。Clars已成为全国众多机构和杰出私人收藏家的首选拍卖画廊,其中包括理查德·梅隆·斯凯夫庄园、托马斯·J·珀金斯庄园和大都会艺术博物馆(纽约市)。在过去五年中,Clars Auction Gallery售出了超过1.5亿美元的艺术品、家具、珠宝、车辆和收藏品,并创下了多项新的世界拍卖纪录。请在Facebook、Instagram和Twitter上关注Clars!

Harry Huang 黄曦: [email protected] | 微信: harry_xi_huang
Shannon Liu 刘盛嘉: [email protected] | 微信: Shannon_Liu575

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January Auction Highlights

Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a first-time bidder, Clars Auctions invites you to participate in this celebration of beauty, history, and craftsmanship. Mark your calendars for Friday, January 17.

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From Brooklyn to California: The Story Behind the Vase

This December, Clars is excited will offer this exquisite vase — a stunning ancient artifact that carries a touching story that spans more than half a century.

  • Asian Art
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December Fine Asian Art Highlights

On December 20th, Clars will present a rare Qing Yongzheng Robin’s Egg Glazed hu-form Vase, a masterpiece by Liu Jiutong, and a variety of other exceptional Asian artworks.

  • Asian Art
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December Auction Highlights

Mark your calendars for our exciting December 20th Auction, which offers both established masterpieces and unique treasures across a wide range of categories.

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November Jewelry, Furniture & Asian Highlights

Clars is excited to present our Jewelry, Furniture & Asian Auction on November 22nd and The Warehouse Auction on November 23rd.

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Fine Art Collectors Auction Highlights

This November, we are thrilled to showcase an exceptional array of artwork, ranging from American folk art to modern abstract masterpieces.

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  • Fine Art

From Brooklyn to California: The Story Behind the Vase

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On December 20th, Clars Auctions will present an exceptionally rare Qing Yongzheng Robin’s Egg Glazed hu-form Vase at its annual Fine Asian Art Auction. This exquisite piece is not only a stunning ancient artifact but also carries a touching story that spans more than half a century.

The story of this vase is as compelling as the piece itself. According to the consignor, the vase originally belonged to his mother-in-law, who lived in Brooklyn, New York, in the 1970s. She was of Swedish immigrant descent, sent to an orphanage at the age of six after her mother’s passing, and later adopted by a kind family. As an adult, she married a man who worked for Nestlé and had two sons. After her husband’s death, she returned to Brooklyn, where she lived with her family and was beloved for her involvement in church activities, playing the piano, and teaching Sunday school.

An exceptionally fine and rare robin’s egg glazed hu-form vase, seal mark and period of Yongzheng.Photo Credit: Wyatt Beserra @ BESERRA PHOTOEstimate: $50,000–$70,000
An exceptionally fine and rare robin’s egg glazed hu-form vase, seal mark and period of Yongzheng.
Photo Credit: Wyatt Beserra @ BESERRA PHOTO
Sold: $630,000
A very rare Chinese Robin’s egg-glazed hu-form vase from the Yongzheng period (1723–1735), leads the Fine Asian Art Auction at Clars on December 20th.

In the 1970s, she bought the vase from a street vendor’s stall in Brooklyn for a small amount. She treasured it and often displayed it on her piano, filled with dried leaves. In 1986, she moved to California to live with her son, bringing the vase along. However, the vase was forgotten for decades, stored in a shoebox in a closet. It was only a few weeks ago that Clars Auction rediscovered the vase, unveiling a story that had been hidden for years.

The consignor expressed, “Such a beautiful and historically significant vase should not be hidden away in a closet; it deserves to be admired by many.” Now, the Qing Yongzheng Robin’s egg glazed hu-form vase is set to take center stage at the auction, capturing the attention of collectors worldwide.

Detail of vase neck.
Detail of vase neck.
The robin’s egg glazed hu-form vase as seen in the consignor’s home, filled with flowers on top of a piano.
The robin’s egg glazed hu-form vase as seen in the previous owner’s home, filled with flowers on top of a piano.

The “Lujun Glaze” porcelain, also known as Robin’s Egg glaze, originated during the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty, crafted at the Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln under the supervision of Tang Ying. It was named for its resemblance to the low-temperature Jun wares of the Song Dynasty. The glaze combines techniques from both Jun ware and Yixing drip-glaze, resulting in unique flowing shades of red, blue, and purple. The surface is smooth and silky, with colors that change dynamically under natural light, evoking the beauty of nature.

As recorded in the Record of Ceramics Completion Stele, the Lujun glaze “resembles the Eastern Kiln and Yixing drip-glaze,” with distinctive fluid patterns and colors. It represents Tang Ying’s innovative fusion of traditional styles and highlights the Qing Dynasty’s dedication to ceramic artistry and aesthetic perfection. Due to its complex production process, surviving pieces are rare and mostly palace ware, making them highly valuable collectibles and a pinnacle of Qing porcelain craftsmanship.

Detail of seal mark and base of vase.
Detail of seal mark and base of vase.

The Chinese Robin’s egg glazed hu-form vase featured by Clars has an elegant and dignified form, showcasing a flared mouth, short neck, elongated curved body, and wide splayed foot, standing at approximately 19 centimeters tall. The mouth, neck, and belly of the vase are adorned with three string patterns, which are simple yet graceful, adding a three-dimensional effect and enhancing the visual appeal of the piece. This design reflects the refined and majestic style typical of Yongzheng porcelain. The base is engraved with a two-line, four-character mark: “Yongzheng Nian Zhi,” further indicating its imperial provenance and outstanding craftsmanship.

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2024 End of Year Review

As we bid farewell to 2024, we take a moment to reflect on the remarkable moments and milestones we’ve shared with you throughout the year.

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December Fine Asian Art Highlights

On December 20th, Clars will present a rare Qing Yongzheng Robin’s Egg Glazed hu-form Vase, a masterpiece by Liu Jiutong, and a variety of other exceptional Asian artworks.

  • Asian Art
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Fine Jade & Holiday Jewelry Auction Highlights

For jewelry lovers, this auction on December 20th is an extraordinary opportunity to acquire rare and exquisite pieces.

  • Fine Jewelry & Watches
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Designer Spotlight: Niamh Barry

Niamh Barry is a distinguished Irish artist and designer celebrated for her innovative light fixtures that seamlessly fuse exceptional craftsmanship.

  • Designer Spotlight
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Property from the Collection of the Mitsui Family

Clars Auctions is delighted to offer a collection of Japanese and Western arts from the Mitsui (Koishikawa) family on October 18th.

  • Estate Spotlight
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December Fine Asian Art Highlights

  • Asian Art
  • Auction

On December 20th, Clars will present an exceptionally rare Qing Yongzheng Robin’s Egg Glazed hu-form Vase, a contemporary masterpiece by Liu Jiutong, and a variety of other exceptional Asian artworks at its annual Fine Asian Art Auction.

The Chinese Robin’s egg glazed hu-form vase featured by Clars has an elegant and dignified form, showcasing a flared mouth, short neck, elongated curved body, and wide splayed foot, standing at approximately 19 centimeters tall. The mouth, neck, and belly of the vase are adorned with three string patterns, which are simple yet graceful, adding a three-dimensional effect and enhancing the visual appeal of the piece. This design reflects the refined and majestic style typical of Yongzheng porcelain. The base is engraved with a two-line, four-character mark: “Yongzheng Nian Zhi,” further indicating its imperial provenance and outstanding craftsmanship.

An exceptionally fine and rare robin’s egg glazed hu-form vase, seal mark and period of Yongzheng.Photo Credit: Wyatt Beserra @ BESERRA PHOTOEstimate: $50,000–$70,000
An exceptionally fine and rare robin’s egg glazed hu-form vase, seal mark and period of Yongzheng.
Photo Credit: Wyatt Beserra @ BESERRA PHOTO
Estimate: $50,000–$70,000

The glaze of this remarkable piece features a distinctive blend of red, blue, and purple hues, with the rare “Gaoliang Red” standing out prominently. This reddish-purple tone is a hallmark of Yongzheng Robin’s egg-glazed porcelain, extremely rare and almost entirely absent in pieces produced after the Yongzheng era. According to the Qing-era “Nan Yao Bi Ji” (Notes on Southern Kilns), “The finest Robin’s egg glaze features flowing colors with red specks, followed by blue.” Additionally, records from the Imperial Workshop Archives show that in the tenth year of the Yongzheng reign, the emperor ordered a Robin’s egg glazed vase to be paired with a zitan wood stand, illustrating that these pieces were often reserved for imperial appreciation or court display, underscoring their exceptional status. Today, similar-shaped vases of the Yongzheng Period are mostly found in museum collections, such as the Qing Yongzheng flambe glazed hu-form vase at the Palace Museum in Beijing.

The production of Robin’s Egg glazed porcelain was highly intricate, requiring precise temperature control and expert glaze mixing, resulting in a very low success rate. Well-preserved masterpieces from the Yongzheng period are exceedingly rare. The vase from Clars is in perfect condition, showcasing the natural, rustic elegance characteristic of Yongzheng-era aesthetics. In contrast to the more ornate style favored during the Qianlong period, this piece embodies the subtle and refined taste of Yongzheng, making it exceptionally valuable both artistically and historically.

Contemporary Masterpiece “Watching the Clouds Gather” by Liu Jiutong to Be Featured

Additionally, Clars will feature an oil painting by contemporary artist Liu Jiutong titled Watching the Clouds Gather. This piece vividly showcases the artist’s unique approach to abstract art, seamlessly blending Western painting materials and techniques with the essence and spirit of Eastern aesthetics, resulting in a distinct personal style. The painting combines delicate and bold brushstrokes, evoking the imagery of Su Shi’s poetry: “Dark clouds swirl like ink over the mountains; white rain leaps like pearls onto boats.” Dated in 2011, this canvas painting measures 110 cm in height and 280 cm in width, bearing Liu Jiutong’s signature in Chinese. The current collector obtained it directly from the artist prior to their relocation from Hong Kong to California.

Liu Jiutong (Chinese, b. 1977), Watching the Clouds Gather.Estimate: $30,000–$50,000
Liu Jiutong (Chinese, b. 1977), Watching the Clouds Gather.
Estimate: $30,000–$50,000
A Chinese kesi-woven ‘dragon’ cushion cover.<br><b>Estimate: $2,000–$4,000</b>
A Chinese kesi-woven ‘dragon’ cushion cover.
Estimate: $2,000–$4,000

The auction will also present a variety of other exceptional Asian artworks, including a large Chinese famille rose ‘landscape’ porcelain plaque created in 1939 by renowned Republic Period ceramic artist Zhang Zhitang, a Chinese blue and white vase attributed to renowned Republic Period blue and white porcelain artist Wang Bu, a Chinese white jade landscape carving from Qing Dynasty, and a Chinese kesi-woven ‘dragon’ cushion cover.

A Chinese blue and white vase attributed to Wang Bu (1898–1968).Estimate: $3,000–$5,000
A Chinese blue and white vase attributed to Wang Bu (1898–1968).
Estimate: $3,000–$5,000
A Chinese white jade landscape carving.<br><b>Estimate: $10,000–$15,000</b>
A Chinese white jade landscape carving.
Estimate: $10,000–$15,000
A Chinese famille rose ‘landscape’ porcelain plaque by Zhang Zhitang (1883–1971).Estimate: $6,000–$9,000
A Chinese famille rose ‘landscape’ porcelain plaque by Zhang Zhitang (1883–1971).
Estimate: $6,000–$9,000

At the same time, Clars Auctions will focus on a series of exquisite jade jewelry pieces that incorporate Asian aesthetics on December 20th. Highlight pieces include a pair of ‘A grade’ jadeite, diamond and platinum ear-clips, an ‘A grade’ jadeite and 14k gold choker necklace, an ‘A grade’ jadeite and 14k gold beaded necklace, and a Columbian emerald, seed pearl, diamond and 18k gold necklace, which skillfully integrate traditional Asian elements and craftsmanship. These precious jewelry pieces not only showcase the perfect combination of natural gemstones and outstanding craftsmanship but also reflect the unique charm of Asian art.

Clockwise: An ‘A Grade’ jadeite and 14k gold choker necklace. Estimate: $7,000–$10,000; A pair of ‘A Grade’ jadeite and platinum earrings. Estimate: $20,000–$40,000; A Colombian emerald, diamond, seed pearl and 18k gold necklace. Estimate: $3,000–$5,000
Clockwise: An ‘A Grade’ jadeite and 14k gold choker necklace. Estimate: $7,000–$10,000; A pair of ‘A Grade’ jadeite and platinum earrings. Estimate: $20,000–$40,000; A Colombian emerald, diamond, seed pearl and 18k gold necklace. Estimate: $3,000–$5,000

We look forward to meeting you at the Fine Asian Art Auction at Clars Auctions on December 20th!

Bidding for Clars’ December auctions is available by phone, absentee bid, live online at Live.Clars.com and through Liveauctioneers.com and Invaluable.com. Clars Auctions is located at 5644 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, CA 94609.

Clars Auctions is based in Oakland (CA) and is the largest full-service auction gallery in the Western United States. Clars Auctions has been the chosen auction gallery of a number of institutions and distinguished private collectors across the country, including the Richard Mellon Scaife Estate, the Thomas J. Perkins Estate and The Metropolitan Museum of Art (NYC).

In the last 5 years, Clars Auctions has sold well over $500,000,000 of Fine Art, Furnishings, Jewelry, Vehicles and Collectibles and has set multiple new world auction records. Follow Clars on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

Auction Inquiries:
Harry Huang: [email protected] | Wechat ID: harry_xi_huang
Shannon Liu: [email protected] | Wechat ID: Shannon_Liu575

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January Auction Highlights

Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a first-time bidder, Clars Auctions invites you to participate in this celebration of beauty, history, and craftsmanship. Mark your calendars for Friday, January 17.

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From Brooklyn to California: The Story Behind the Vase

This December, Clars is excited will offer this exquisite vase — a stunning ancient artifact that carries a touching story that spans more than half a century.

  • Asian Art
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December Auction Highlights

Mark your calendars for our exciting December 20th Auction, which offers both established masterpieces and unique treasures across a wide range of categories.

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November Jewelry, Furniture & Asian Highlights

Clars is excited to present our Jewelry, Furniture & Asian Auction on November 22nd and The Warehouse Auction on November 23rd.

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Fine Art Collectors Auction Highlights

This November, we are thrilled to showcase an exceptional array of artwork, ranging from American folk art to modern abstract masterpieces.

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  • Fine Art